
Prostate Cancer

The prostate, which forms part of the male reproductive system,is a walnut-sized gland located in front of the rectum and just below the bladder. it wraps around the urethra, the tube carrying urine from the bladder through the penis. The prostate requires mainly testosterone the male hormone to function properly. one of its function is to produce fluid for semen to transport sperm during ejaculation. When prostate cells grow abnormally the organ enlarges and pushes against the urethra and bladder, blocking the normal flow of urine. Cancer that begin in the prostate may remain in the prostate or spread to nearby lymph nodes. in some cases it can even spread to the bones, bladder, rectum and other organ. screening for prostate cancer is important.
since the disease rarely show any definitive signs in the early the disease progresses, however prostate cancer patients may find themselves having to urinate more frequently and urgently, but with less urine or even blood in the urine.

Getting a Grip on Pain

Pain is an uncomfortable sensation that tells you something 
may be wrong in your body. pain may be a normal sensation
triggered in the nervous system to alert you to possible 
acute injury and the need to take care of yourself. 
However if the pain is excessive or prolonged it can be harmful to you.
Everybody reacts to pain differently based on their physical condition past experiences emotion and attitudes.
Types of pain can be divided into: 
Acute pain has a short duration with an obvious cause. examples include acute post-operative pain,pain of physical injuries and pain during childbirth.
Acute pain usually responds well to simple painkillers or opioid medications.
Chronic Pain: 
Pain that lasts for more than 3 months and often continue beyond the expected time of healing. examples of chronic pain will include chronic low back and neck pain,arthritis and cancer pain. sometimes the reason for the chronic pain may not be clear. chronic pain is often associated with decreased function and 
quality of life.unlike acute pain medications along may not be effective in relieving chronic pain.treatment of chronic pain may also require other therapies like nerve blocks physical therapy and psychological therapy.
Controlling Your Pain is Important:
good pain control is important in both acute and chronic pain states. 
although acute pain is often transient good pain treatment allows you to be more comfortable help you to heal faster and avoid various complications.

Getting a Grip on Pain

Pain control is also important in chronic pain to prevent prolonged suffering, increase physical and mental function  and improve overall quality of life.
Reporting your pain:
Pain treatment begins with accurate reporting of the pain symptoms.                 You are the expert on your pain only you know how much pain you are feeling. 
Tell us how much it hurts by reporting the pain severity as a number based on a scale of 0-10 where 0 equals no pain and 10 is the worst pain imaginable rate your pain on the scales below.

Pain Treatment depends on the type of pain the cause of pain
the pain severity and associated medical illnesses.
it is common to combine a few types of pain treatment to increase
pain to your doctor about the treatment options.
They will be able to give you more information.
The common pain treatment include Pain medications:
There are several groups of pain medication Simple painkillers.
Aspirin, paracetamol and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSA IDS) These medication are usually given for mild to moderate pain. They are also administered together with opioid in patients with severe pain.

Getting a Grip on Pain

Opioids: morphine, pethidine, fentanyl
These medication are administered for moderate to severe pain.
if can be administered through PCA (patient controlled analgesia)
Adjuvant medications: (anti-depressants,anti-convulsants)
These medications are useful in treating tingling and burning pain
and certain types of chronic pain.
Intervention's procedures Nerve block are commonly used in:
Acute post-operative pain treatment
The nerve block injects local anaesthetic medication to numb the pain transmitting nerves.
This can provide excellent pain relief after surgery.
Chronic pain
Nerve block are also commonly used in the treatment of chronic pain. medications that are commonly injected during these nerve block include local anaesthetic medications and or steroid medication. steroid medications help to reduce swelling and inflammation present at the painful sites or around pain transmitting nerves.
Complementary therapies
Complementary techniques are commonly used for the treatment of chronic pain and they include.
Physical therapy
Techniques such as application of heat or cold packs massage pressure or vibration therapy therapeutic exercises and graded mobilisation exercises.
Psychological therapy
Such as counselling relaxation techniques and stress management.

Getting a Grip on Pain

What you can do:
you need to report your pain accurately.
to rate your pain severity on a scale of 0-10.
need to take your medication.according to dose & 
schedule as prescribed by doctor.tell your doctor if the
medicine or treatment work or if you have developed
any side effects to the treatments.
What your is health care provider will do:
ask you about pain on a regular basis.
explain & provide the treatment option for pain control.
ask you if received the relief you expected 
from the medicine.suggest other ways to help you 
be more comfortable.
Thing to remember:
if you have pain ask for the medicine.don't save pain medicine until the pain get worse. medicine can help control your pain.
the staff will not think you are complaining if you ask
for medicine for your pain.
don't worry about becoming addicted to pain medicine