Translate are abroad.

Be Careful of what you Eat Or Drink.> Follow the general rule >Boil it, Cooked it, Peel it......or forget it "
Drink water that has been boiled or purified with chlorine or iodine, or canned, bottled drink. Avoid tap water or ice cubes. Eat food that is  fully cooked and is still hot when served. Avoid seafood or meat that is raw or insufficiently cooked. Avoid cold dishes and salads. Eat only fruits and vegetables that you have peeled yourself. Avoid ice cream, puddings and anything prepared with unpasteurised milk.
Beware of Mosquitoes >Diseases like malaria, dengue fever, Japanese B Encephalitis are required if you are going to areas which have these infection. Always consult a doctor first if you plan to visit malaria endemic areas. pills for malaria prophylaxis may need to be taken. This medication should be consumed one week before departure, continued throughout the stay and for 30 days after returning to Singapore.
Protect Yourself Against Mosquito Bites.>Wear light coloured long-sleeved clothing and long pants when going out at night. Apply insect repellent containing 30% DEET /NN-diethyl-n-toluamide/ to exposed areas of the body. Sleep under a mosquito net, in an air-conditioned room or in a room where the windows are fitted with fine wire netting. Spray permethrin or similar insecticide in the room or burn pyrethroid mosquito coil before going to bed. Ultrasound devices are ineffective against mosquito bites.