
What are the causes of dementia...Alzheimer's...disease

There are a number of disease which cause the symptoms of dementia. All of them cause the death of brain cells. There are many factor which may have an effect on the risk of developing dementia, including age, genes, alcohol & head injury. the two most common cause of dementia are Alzheimer's disease & vascular dementia.  Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia & accounts for 50% To 60% of all cases, it destroys brain cell & nerves disrupting the neurochemicals which carry messages in the brain, particularly those responsible for storing memories. The average duration of the disease usually progresses over a span of eight years from the onset of symptoms. Approximately 10 million people worldwide are affected by Alzheimer's disease. it is a leading cause of death behind cardiovascular disease & cancer. in Singapore, there were about 3,200 persons with Alzheimer's disease in the year 2000. The number expected to more than triple to 10,500 over the next 30 years.most of the people who are affected are over 65, & the chance of developing the disease increases with age. however, in rare cases, Alzheimer's disease can strike people at earlier ages in their 40's & 50's. The other person affected by Alzheimer's disease is the caregiver. Actually, the stress of caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease often affects the whole family. family & caregivers experience emotion distress like anger, isolation, anxiety, sleep problems, & depression. there is increased burden & overall distress, as the disease progresses & eventually leaves patients completely dependent upon other. while caring for an Alzheimer's patient may be challenging & difficult, help is available to ease the burden. physicians, mental health professionals, caregiver support groups & Alzheimer's association can provide much needed advice & guidance. no known cure for the disease exists, but there are newly available therapies indicated specifically for Alzheimer's dementia that slow down symptomatic decline & enhance cognition, activities of daily living & global functioning.