
The Silent Killer

just as water mains needs a heat of pressure to pump water through pipe to all home so your heart pumps blood under pressue through blood vessels to all parts of the body. blood pressure changes from minute to minute, during exercise or anxiety blood pressure is higher this is called high blood pressure.

Cooling System For Vehicle.

To keep the engine at it most efficient operating temperature operating at all speeds and under all operating condition. the liquid is circulated around the cylinder to absorb heat from the cylinder wall faults. (1) low coolant level. (2) loose fan belt. (3) thermostat stuck closed. (4) defective water pump.

Get enough exercise

Swimming : this is a good all round exercise for full benefits swim fast enough to make you part slightly. cycling : another fun exercise cycle with family or friends with stationary bike. exercise time passes quickly if you read or watch tv at the same time jogging, brisk, walking, aerobic, dancing : anyone can do it no special skill are needed. get a pair of light flexible well padded shoes with heel and arch support and you're ready.


Influenza it is the most common infection in Singapore. some people get the influenza more than twice a year. symptoms: tiredness aches all over head, neck or limbs. poor appetite fever which can go up to 39'c for two to three days watery, red eyes, harsh,dry cough. there is no cure for influenza is caused by virus and there on medicine to cure infection. prevent its spread avoid crowed places and swimming pools. cough or sneeze into tissue paper and flush them down the toilet and wash your hands with soap and water. after blowing your nose or coughing into your hands. don't spit or share your unwashed, eating utensil drinking glass and towels with other member of your family. may be now can cure.

Kidney disease

A number of kidney disease can by successfully treated when discovered & treated in it early stages but may be potentially fatal it neglected. kidney disease can attack anyone at any age. puffiness around the eyes particularly in children, gradual swelling of part of the body often the ankles, lower back pain just below the rib cage increased frequency of urination, colored urine pain or unusual sensation bloody or tea in colour. high blood pressure, diagnosis. see your doctor immediately if one or more of these warning signs occur. some kidney condition can be cured in other case treatment can relieve pain retard the disease prolong life.

Dengue fever

Dengue fever is a mosquito borne viral disease transmitted by the mosquito. there are (4) types of virus (1) eggs: after a blood meal a female mosquito will look for a suitable place to lay eggs on average, she can lay up to 300 eggs each time. (2) larva: this normally lasts for 4 to 5 days depending on the environmental condition.(3) pupa: it take 1 to 2 days for a pupa to develop into on adult mosquito. (4) adult: the adult mosquito can survive in the natural environment for 2 to 3 weeks.

Attitude it is your hands

You alone are responsible for your positive attitude. people are not born with a positive attitude. it has to be constantly nurtured and practised. start a day saying that it is going to be a fantastic day. give yourself positive self talk this affects your a happy person and get healthy life style.

Risk of heart attack

The heart is an organ made of strong receives a rich supply of blood from a network of coronary blood vessels around it. when a coronary blood vessel is so narrow that part of the heart is not getting enough blood. it cause heart pain or angina which lasts a few minutes. this is a tight constricting or crushing pain behind the breastbone. the pain may spread to the left or right side of the chest. up the neck and to the arm usually the left arm when a coronary blood vessel is completely blocked a part of the heart muscle is damaged. causing severe heart pain or heart attack.

Maybe it's a heart attack.
Severe chest pain and a combination of the following symptoms can mean a person is having an acute heart attack, said Associate professor Marcus ong, senior consultant, department of emergency medicine, Singapore General Hospital.
Severe chest pain is often described by patients as the worst pain of their lives and likened to something very heavy pressing on the chest. pain that appears to spread up to the neck or down to the left arm. breathlessness, sweating. feeling faint and or nausea. A history of heart problems.
Patient is elderly, smokes or suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Control Stress

Pressures demand and worries are facts of life a little stress can be good it keep you on your toes. but too much stress can over whelm you and give rise to mental and physical problems so keep stress to small doses within your control. protect against stress.(1) share your problem to doctor. (2) cultivate a happy family. (3) learn to relax your body and mind.

Don't smoke eat right foods

to relax take your Get enough exercise and sleep be willing to change, healthier,happier feel better get your healthy lifestyle.reduce your risk of heart attack,don't smoke and less salt eat less food with high cholesterol content, exercise regularly and lean medicines according to you doctor advice if you have high blood pressure or diabetes

Lifestyle and safe rules

See your doctor before starting if you're over 35 age have never exercised before or have special medical problems wait for 2 hours after a meal before you exercise warm up for 5 minutes before you start and cool down the same way after you finish,stretch exercises like those on the left are the best way.start slowly and increase the amount and duration of exercise gradually. do aerobic exercise at least 15 minutes each time a week until you perspire and breathe deeply without feeling breathless.

Healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle some common illness:Practising good health habits & giving up harmful one (1) Eat a variety of foods no single food group supplies all the nutrients you need. (2)Eat fight for your level of activity an office manager or executive need less than an outdoor worker. (3) Eat right for your age 50 above as you grow older. you don't need as much food cut down. especially on fats, sugar, starches. choose daily from these 3 basic food group.(1)Protective food: apple,banana,carrot,vegetable,etc.(2)Energy providing food: bread,rice,potato,cracker,etc.(3)Body building food: chicken,egg,fish,meat,bean,etc