
Healthy foods + fruits /.@ Prevent Cancer

Asvocado  :Are high in vitamins, dietary fibre, potassium, folic acid and copper.
Broccoli  : Contains isothiocyantes which have been shown to encourage the body's production of cancer - prevent enzymes.
Pumpkins  : Contains alpha - carotene, a strong antioxidant that boosts immunity.
Asparagus : Full of Prevent - cancer compounds like selenium as well as vitamins A & C.
Turmeric : Contains cur cumin extracts which help alleviate the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Potatoes : Provide fuel for the body and are rich in immunity - boosting vitamin C.
Red Beans : Have a high antioxidant rating and can protect cell from free radicals which cause cancer.
Apple : Contain flavanoids and polyphenols which help fight cancers.