
How should I control my diet.

Suitable foods..Fresh fruits and vegetable > except those listed below.
peanuts, milk and milk products, egg, in moderation, white bread, rice and plain noodles.
Foods to be taken in moderation....Meat, fish, poultry, scallop, lobster, mussel, oyster, crayfish.sunflower seeds.
dry lentils,chickpeas, peanuts, peas,oatmeal. fruits, banana, jack fruit. spinach, capsicum, sweetcorn, cauliflower, chives, parsley, bean sprouts, leeks, broccoli.
Foods highest in purine-Avoid....Yeast extracts e.g Marmite. Animal organs such as live, kidney, heat, brains. Small fish, e.g. sprat,ikan Billi's, sardine, herring,trout, tuna, canned fish, fish roe, dried mushrooms, broths, meat stocks, eg. chicken essence, bak kut teh, gravies, stock cubes, soy bean and related products eg. bean curd, bean paste, soya bean milk, tempeh.
In Addition...Please eat balanced meals that include a variety of food. decrease the amount of fat and oil used in your meals as the items will increase uric acid production. get most of your energy from starchy foods. use sugar in moderation especially if you are overweight. Avoid alcohol as it will increase uric acid production. if you wish to drink, please discuss alcohol consumption with your doctor. take prescribed medication according to your doctor's instruction. maintain your ideal body weight and be more active as far as possible. do not follow a crash diet even if you are very overweight, as it can bring on an attack of gout. avoid a high protein diet to lose weight as this may trigger or aggravate a gout attack. Drink 2-3 litres...10-15 glasses...of water daily. Do simple movements to prevent stiffness but do not over exercise or strain the affected joint. Proper dietary management with or without medication is essential to avoid further attacks and prevent complication.