
Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT Prophylaxis.

Deep vein thrombosis ( DVT ) is the formation of a blood clot in a deep vein, commonly located in the calf or thigh. DVT occurs when the blood clot either partially or completely blocks the flow of blood in the vein.
When the circulation of the blood slows down due to illness, injury, or immobility, there is a tendency for blood to accumulate or "Pool " A static pool of blood offers an ideal environment for clot formation and poses a potential risk for DVT. The risk of developing DVT during hospitalisation is 10 - 15 % in hip facture patients.
Who are at risk ?...Elderly person at 70 years old. Obese person  BMI 25. Bedridden persons. Patients with these conditions are at risk : Spinal cord injury - Cancer, stroke - Heart attack. Patients who have undergone abdominal or pelvic surgery and orthopaedic surgeries, particularly, hip fracture surgery, total hip or knee replacement. pregnant women. Women on oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy if DVT occurs, a person will experience pain in the leg. This will be accompanied by redness, tenderness and sudden swelling of the leg. the leg will also be warm.DVT is a serious condition because the blood clot that is formed in your leg can breaks loose and travel to your lungs. This will result in pulmonary embolism PE which is a blockage of the pulmonary artery. pulmonary embolism can be life threatening. The symptoms for pulmonary embolism includes shortness of breath, chest pain low blood pressure, rapid heart rate and confusion. How to prevent DVT can be prevented. if you are having a surgery that puts you at risk of developing DVT, you will be given mechanical prophylaxis and or chemical prophylaxis. Chemical prophylaxis- involves using medications to prevent the blood from clotting. Mechanical prophylaxis-involves using intermittent pneumatic compression devices that are placed on your legs. this device will in crease blood circulation in the deep veins and stimulates fibrinolysis-the body's natural method for preventing and breaking down clots. To use mechanical prophylaxis effectively to prevent DVT it is important to use the device continuously. Usually you will be started on the pneumatic compression device when you are admitted for the surgery. it is essential that you continue to use this device during and after the surgery. Do not remove the device by yourself. remind the nurses to put it back after it is disconnected ( eg. after a visit to the toilet). inform doctors or nurses if you experience any pain, redness, tenderness or swelling in your legs. Check with doctors or nurses on when you can remove the device. In addition to mechanical or chemical prophylaxis to prevent DVT you will also benefit from the following. Elevating your feet on a pillow when resting on the bed to promote blood flow. Try to move. if you are on bed rest because of surgery the sooner you get moving ( eg. sit out of bed, walking ) the less likely blood clots will develop. Drink lots of water.